32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, December 10, 2004

Been Lazy

Hi all, sorry for the silence but I have been busy. I have just returned to Holland from Madrid where I had a meeting and managed to squeeze in a trip to the Cathedral, Royal Palace and Red Light District. The first and second were suitably impressive in a rather obviously Latin manner, whereas the third was just boring and seedy. I also had some opportunity to eat in Spain and can attest to the fact that ham and seafood are the staples of a Spanish diet. Forget paella, or potatas - serrano ham and mackeral is far more common. Red, rather than white wine was in abundance and sparkling water is the aqua du jour. Another surprise was that Madrid in winter is quite cold - around 9 degrees. Whilst not quite cold enough to kill the omni-present smell of cheap tobacco and alcohol, it was cold enough to warrant an autumnal coat.

Kanga is joining me in Amsterdam next week, and likely going to Paris on the weekend to meet up with some jolly old chum of hers. I think that the cold is likely to put Kanga in a state of torpor, however we will have to see. I am off to meet some Dutch acquantances of mine tonight, and then have some essential shopping to do tomorrow (ironing board, iron, dried goods, toilet paper etc). Then tomorrow night is the last night at Chemistry at Rembrantsplein, a club night that has been going strong for 9 years. Needless to say I intend to be there to say goodbye to this club that I never visited. It should be fun.


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