32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, December 30, 2005

Holiday finished

After a lovely break I am finally back in the office, although the European weather has seen fit to delay my return to the UK; so I am working in Amsterdam today whilst Kanga goes to view the Henri Cartier-Bresson retrospective exhibition at Foam. All-in-all I have really enjoyed this holiday, the first for a few years, and was glad to have booked a non-standard break. Stockholm proved to be a truly beautiful city, with an extremely picturesque old-quarter, and, largely underground, a modern multitude of malls. The Swedes themselves proved to be a contradiction of great customer service, weighed against incredible lack of civility and manners; perfunctory politeness such as opening doors or saying "Tack" (thanks) was completely absent from our interactions with the general Swedish population. The Ice-Hotel was pretty amazing, a testament to either: mankind's never-ending quest to create and build, or his drive to accrue money. Either way, we enjoyed ourselves immensely, Kanga took lots of 'photos, and I saw the Aurora Borealis ('photos to follow once I am back in the UK).

It seems somehow trite to condense the experiences of the last ten days into a small post on this blog, and so I will try to spend some time over the next two to three days compartmentalising the trip into discrete blocks, that can be posted with supporting 'photos. That being said the trip was fantastic; it was restful; it was needed.


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