32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Sunday, March 05, 2006

05 March Run

05 March Run
Originally uploaded by taekwon-dodo.
A very frustrating morning as my running GPS ran ou of battery after 9km! However, I have use MapSource to restructure my route and my heart rate timer to restructure my entire time out - which was 3 hours 25mins 21 secs including my walking from Putney back home (the missing part on my running map) The route on the map is 25.9 miles - just shy of a marathon - and I most probable took 25 mins to walk home - giving me a marathon time of 3hours. Later I will go out and cycle the route with my Garmin - as I did not think I had run more that 18 miles - and am a bit suspicious of the whole thing - as this puts my current time at my June/August target!

As it is I have logged this in coolrunning as 21 miles based on input from serpentine running club which lists the Putney Bridge to Kew Bridge and back again portion of this run as 13 miles. My house to Putney Bridge, via Battersea Bridge is 8 miles - which, at 21 miles is more like the 18 miles I expected (and puts my avg pace at 5.19/km which is my long distance pace - so seems more likely)


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