32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Merry Xmas

Just read on news.bbc.com that the X in Xmas is not, contrary to popular belief, a modern invention, but rather at least 1000 years old. The X is the Greek Chi and used to be represented by XPMas - or Chi Ro Mass, the Greek for Christmas!

The things you learn from the internet!

BTW - Nardac, we will be in the UK for Christmas day, but back in Amsterdam for Boxing day. Do you fancy meeting up in late Feb when Kanga is back in Amsterdam (she is returning to SG to warm up in Jan/Feb). Thought we could dine in Paris.....but no seafood!


Blogger Terz said...

Aw man, fun in the OId World...

7:43 pm

Blogger NARDAC said...

Yeah, we could do that. January is going to be official no-visitors month anyways, since I have a little person staying till the 5th, and am usually grumpy and tired that month. February is good, and we can pig out.

I might be passing through Amsterdam in January, if I decide to go on a trip to Berlin with my illegal Bulgarian friend. If so, we'll probably crash for a couple of days in the Dam on the way home.

Speaking of pigs, what do you eat for Christmas:
Turkey, Capon, Goose or Ham? (or other!!!???)

11:11 pm


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