32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, February 25, 2005

Long time without posting

First things first:

  • Congrats to YM on the acquisition of her Mac. May you both have a very happy iLife together and spawn a large collection of iThings

  • Apologies to Nardac who has skyped me many times yet we always miss each other. I am afraid I have a bad habit of leaving my laptop on and logged in even when I am out - and always forget to change my Skype status. Try again next week?

  • Best wishes to Karen - who is not, to my knowledge a blogonaught - it is her 34th birthday this monday

Second things second:

  • Good luck to Kanga who has submitted a portfolio for Objectifs (or is that Objtectives?). I hope you get in - better get your Leicas serviced!

And Lastly:

I have just got back from Lugano in Switzerland, and am about to leave for the UK - hence the bullet post. I am in Amsterdam for the next two weeks, after which the travel starts again.

I am off skiing in a few weeks in the French Alps. If at all possible, once Kanga is back in Amsterdam I intend to take us off to Lugano (which was very nice, in an old persons kind of way), fishing in south Europe and late in the year off to Sweden for a stay in the Icehotel .

Hope that everyone in SG is fine - and hope to see at least some of you in the summer - come on, a free holiday in Europe beckons (airfares not included)



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