Not long to go
Well - Friday is here once again - with only 7 days until I return to Singapore. It has been 3 plus months since I left, and in that time I have flown over 100 000 miles (no joke - my KLM and SQ airmiles exceed 100 000!), have seen some of Sao Paolo, Madrid, Lisbon, London, Amsterdam and have been involved in talks with people that I didn't even know existed 4 months ago. But all in all, I still miss my somewhat more relaxed life in SG. I miss going to the gym at lunch time, popping down to Bojangles or SODS for a beer or diet coke. I miss my dogs and I miss my wife (that thing about last not being least applies here).
Don't get me wrong - I am not complaining. I am well remunerated for my time. I do enjoy the travelling. The work is exceedingly rewarding and challenging. My house is beautiful. But I have lost my centre, that which provided stability. Not having a stable, reliable and predictable environment is not as easy as I had thought. Not drinking has proved nigh on impossible, as the thought of sitting in hotel rooms, alone, watching TV in portugese or Spanish (unless I watch
When, at 25, I arrived in Singapore, I was not a career man. I wanted to have fun, and do just enough work to get by. Somewhere along the line I seem to have acquired ambition and drive. I find myself actively thinking about moving, in the words of Aslan "onwards and upwards". I wonder what I have sacrificed in order to make room for these new motivations......hopefully not the things that made me what I was, and what, I hope, I still am.
Anyway - enough musing. I will be back for 8 days, and look forward to seeing you (very Tiny Tim here) "One and All". I hope that Terse (et al) will be available for a beer - and I won't ask about anything you don't want to talk about. Just a quiet pint, a few hands of darts and possible a few frames of pool. In return I promise not to bore you with talk of work.
We can go play pool at my friend's new place, Baize. He and his partners gave up on their Chinatown location for The Billiard Rooms, so Clarke Quay is their new home.
2:53 pm
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