Time to revitalise
My poor old blog, my presence in the ether, has been slowly decaying until my very digital being is a mere 1 enshrouded within a stream of 0's. This must change. I have been attributing this to the fact that blogs are hardly bleeding edge, they lack the grit that the true techno warrior needs. There is nothing inherently sexy or bold in writing into electronic limbo, whereas there is something of the Nietzian Uberman about belonging to those who, in a purely electronic sense, have. Having the ability to write code on multiple platforms, in multiple languages, at multiple layers. From 4GLs, down to assembler. On Linux, Unix, Mac and Windows. Happy in CICS, z/OS, MVS, or AS400. Surrounded by gadgets that affirm who I am, my place in the techno-oligarchy, symbols of status and power in a world where both the new nobility and the anarchists who seek their downfall sit in darkened rooms designing and coding the next killer app. Where todays revolutionary is tomorrows tyrant. Deciding if I am one or the other. Knowing that pasty white skin can be as much a badge of pride, a medal of honour, as a tan. Tans are easy to get - 12 minutes in a solarium can achieve those - wherease only weeks or months of vitamin D depleting life in an aircondioned room in front of a screen can achieve the true pallor of the 21st century soldier, armed with keyboard, mouse and WiFi (with WPA of course) as weapons and diet coke as fuel.
So here I am. A member of the Penguins New Model Army. Be afraid, be very afraid. Unplug your DSL, encrypt your WiFi, do not broadcast your SSID.
Ok - it is confirmed 2 litres of diet coke in 45 minutes produces feeling of Megalomania in me - Muuuaaahhahaaahahahaha!
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