Streaks on tank update - Wahj, what I am finding is that as I paint the tank my paint is going on leaving streaks, instead of a nice smooth matt finish. I am so used to painting small minis that painting a big tank is a whole new skill set. Any tips?
Alamak. Now you tell me. = )
Your predicament is something I can sympathise with, since most of my friends who model tanks use airbrushes (so there's one, albeit expensive, solution to your streaking problem) and I paint on manually.
(hmm. "streaking problem". That didn't come out quite the way I meant)
Anyway, what I do is drybrush rather than wetbrush.
After priming, I drybrush the darker shade of the main colour on. Get a large flat brush, put a small quantity of the main colour on the tips (pointless to soak the paint any deeper on the bristles, as it would all be wasted), keep the brush very very dry, and start brushing. This is an extremely laborious process, but what you're aiming for is the paint to be layered on almost like powder. As an analogy, think of the way women put foundation powder on. Don't ask me where I got that analogy from. To further this analogy, wetbrushing is like putting nail-polish on - you get uneven streaks where it goes on thicker and thinner. With drybrushing, you eliminate the problem by loading the minimum amount of paint onto each brushstroke, and going for many many brushstrokes to slowly layer the paint on, and enable finer degrees of control.
After the darker shade of the main colour has been put on, you can put the middle shade on, avoiding the recesses, and then layer on the lightest shade on edges, rims, and other exposed bits which in real life would be more weathered. One useful tip is to avoid getting paint into the lines and crevices from the start, so they retain their black basecoat - saves you the trouble of a black inkwash to bring out the lines later.
All the tanks I've painted so far have been with this method, so you can check out the gallery (from the previous comment) to see what it looks like.
2:48 am
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