32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ho hum

Evenin' campers - how y'all doin? As ya may be able to tell from the goddamn awful drawl I'm preeeeparin maself for a trip to the good ole US of A.

Shucks - I think I will switch back to the Queen's Tongue

Latest update is that I am back to doing some travel again after a few months off - this time out to Chicago for four days, and New York City for one day. I can't extend my stay in NYC as my Grandmother has called a family dinner the 26th June, and I would not want to miss the chance to see all my family (NYC is going nowhere anytime fast - I can't guarantee the same for my relatives). I am super excited about going to Chicago as there are some great running routes there along the shore - I have identified a 9.5 mile run, which should be fun before work! NYC will unfortunately be a 24 hour trip (possibly only 12 hours grrrr) so no running - if I could have stayed the weekend I think a run around crack, I mean mugging, DOH! I mean central Park would have been tempting.

Kanga should be over again soon (YAY!) and all in all life is looking rosy. Hence, I am watching over my shoulder for the crap that is bound to come along and ruin it all!



PS: Latest news on the losing the fatty me - weight has stabilised at 66kg, 28" waist. Body fat has stabilised around 11.5-13%. Daily exercise is 22km cycling, bi-daily is weights at the gym, and tri-weekly is TKD. Running is phasing back in after a 4 week break for cross training purposes. Running will be at 5 times a week - just having difficulty fitting it in!

And still not a drop of alcohol has passed these lips.


Blogger Tym said...

You are amazing.

As is Chicago.

And running by the lake for 9.5 km will be splendid, especially in June (before it gets too hot). Just make sure you stay on the north side of the city. The south side is where it gets dicey ;)

11:02 am

Blogger NARDAC said...

What is going on? When did you stop being human?

4:56 pm


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