Things I miss....
Being half the world away from my wife there are certain things that I miss - and two in particular have surprised me greatly. Before detailing them I should point out that I am hardly a touchy feely person - in the literal sense of being tactile and needing to feel the touch of humans to express my emotions. In fact I am not a particluarly passionate person in any kind of emotional or even physical way either. I don't like to touch people or to have people invade my space. I will walk away from conflict rather than address it - sometimes to the point of cowardice. I know these things and accept them as part of who I am. So, getting back to my initial point, what has surprised me is missing two things that don't naturally come to me. The first is a passionate kiss - you know the type, full on silver screen kiss that hints at possibilities just waiting to be realised. Think Bollywood Shilpa Shetty kissing Manoj Bajpai in Fareb, or Audrey Hepburn melting in George Peppard in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
The second thing is hugging and cuddling. Never been into it in a big way previousy, but sitting alone night after night in front of my laptop, or reading a book, or even watching a film, I miss the opportunity to snuggle and show affection. As said, never been into it, but now appreciate it more and understand better what it communicates to sit closely with someone for prologed periods of time.
So there they are - I have to go to bed now - I have another race tomorrow and I intend to WIN!!!
but you missed your race! why oh why... :-)
7:53 pm
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