32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Back again after a brief hiatus

After my travelling having stopped again, and Kanga arriving in AMS I thought it was time to update my blog. So far July 2005 is turning into a fraught and upsetting month. The following is a breakdown of the month so far:

6/7/2005 - Went to see my Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and of course my Mother. My Grandmother was awfully poorly, and despite all my efforts to the contrary I ended up shedding tears. In typical fashion my Gramdmother was strong and comforted me, as I wept for the loss that I was anticipating.
7/7/2005 - Was in London for a meeting at Liverpool Street and got caught in the confusion and panic that the bombings caused. A kind concierge at the Sheraton - Belgravia helped me get a taxi to heathrow - which only cost GBP65!
8/7/2005 - Ru arrives in AMS
13/7/2005 - Norah Docherty (nee Herne), loving Mother and Grandmother passed away at 1105. Goodbye Nan, you are bitterly missed and much loved by all, and especially so by me.
15/7/2005 - Culmination of 10 months work as we launch the product that I work on. This represents 1870 hours of my billed hours!
20 or 21/7/2005 - Requeim Tridentine Mass to be held at Herne

So, all in all this is not the best Month I have ever had - but I am relieved that my Grandmother has been granted freedom from the horrible pain she was in, and that she is in a better place. For those that pray a quick thought in your prayers for my Grandmother, and my family would be much appreciated.


Blogger wahj said...

Glad to hear you're alright: bit worried for you after the news last week about London. Sorry to hear about your grandma: K and I both send our condolences.

3:21 am

Blogger Tym said...

So sorry to hear about your grandmother. Our condolences... Take care, eh?

2:14 am


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