32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Thursday, August 26, 2004


This is a term that I live with everyday. Bestshoring. It's like offshoring. Well, guess what. The guys who process my invoices have been bestshored. That means that a new team in Bombay, India process my invoices. I will tell you one thing - that is not my best shore. My current invoice is, apparently, done now - according to the bestshore guy. Only I won't actually get any cash because it's "month end". So my payment sits in the system (SAP!!!) until next month, and, according to bestshore man, it will get processed sometime next month.

I asked whether payment next month meant it would be around September 1 or 2, which I can live with, even if I would rather not. But apparently not. Apparently "Next Month" means anytime in the 30 days of September. Excuse me, but I have fucking bills to pay. I am seriously pissed off and not likely to be good company until this is resolved. Aaargh! Someone save me from petty minded wankstains whose only purpose in life is to piss on my parade. Who had the smart idea of sending finance functions, which are beaurocratic by nature, to the land of red tape and beaurocracy?

Bestshore? My arse. Bite me.


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