32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Ok - I am going to have a work spleen vent.

Without going into too many specifics I am getting really pissed off with the on again/off again career options being presented to me at work. Not being funny, but much as I like my boss, her making cost savings, at my expense, does not float my boat. Expectations need to be managed. Mine are not being so. It's all very well to dress up offers in terms of location, but like many other people I do have a bottom line:

I need to make enough money to pay my bills, save for a rainy day, and enjoy a certain quality of life.

Anyway, I really can't rant about specifics, but I am beginning to get a sore rim in anticipation of the prospect of being royally f*cked

Excuse the language


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