32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Monday, October 18, 2004

Day 7 - No booze, more exercise

Ok - I am now on Day 7 of no booze, and the cold turkey is wearing off. I am beginning to adapt to my new chosen lifestyle, and am comfortable occasionally going out to the pub with Kanga, Terz etc where I can quite happily sip diet coke all night (unless of course Moron! turns up, in which case I will leave, a la Friday night).

Having just been to the gym I have done a very taxing run. This is a new one on me, and although tough, it was quite fun. Basically it is a 5k ascending speed run, as follows:

1st km: 11km/ph
2nd km: 12km/ph
3rd km: 13km/ph
4th km: 14km/ph
5th km: 15km/ph

My total time for the run was 23:31 or a pace time of 4:39 mins per km, or 12.87 km/ph. The hardest part, unsurprisingly, was that last km, which was getting close to being pretty damn fast. Plus my legs were knackered already (especially after yesterdays 400lbs x 8 squats). I think on Wednesday (tomorrow is PT) I will try running the whole thing at 13.5 km/ph which should bring my overall time down to around 22:10 mins. Then Saturday morning 7am I will do a 10k at MacRitchie - wonder if there are any masochists out there who want to join in? Terz, Thirty Pounces?

Anyway, there is my update - no booze over the weekend, now I must sit and contemplate my navel waiting for my phantom abs to appear....


Blogger Tym said...

Terz can't, but I'm game if I wake up on time (got a friend's birthday drinks thingie on Fri night). Of course, even if I do show up, I don't promise to run more than, um, 500 metres ...

2:21 pm


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