Final day - hip hip hooray?
Today I leave autumnal England for sunny sing, sing, Singapore and can't help wonder if I am as glad as I thought I would be. In truth I am looking forward to seeing Kanga again - two weeks sans wife is the longest we have been apart for 6 years. But the weather, the vibe of London, the beauty of Amsterdam and proximity to family are all things that I have just begun to get used to again. The crisp crackle of light frosts, that have settled in the chill of morning like icing sugar on a swiss log was beautiful. The sudden shock to ones lungs when you leave the warmth of your hotel and take your first breath of cold air is invigorating. Even the icy chill of a sudden downpour, with rain that feels like ice chilling to your marrow has it's place.
The whole trip has reminded me that I am European, born and raised with cold, wet weather. For all the joys of tropical weather, the omnipresent humidity and the absolute predictability of the temperature can lead to a feeling of environmental monotony. When rain is your only variable you can forget the sheer unpredicability of western european weather. Will it rain? Will it be overcast or clear? Will it be cold, bitterly cold, or crisp? Will it be windy or calm. And these are just the most obvious elements. This trip has opened my eyes to some of the whys of friends wanting to leave Singapore. Not to even mention the sheer social freedom of London and Amsterdam. No nanny state to hold your hand, and chide you when you fail to do what you are told. Here you get to live as you like, within a framework of rules rather than a set of absolutes.
It is inspiring, and in some respects gut wrenching to leave. If abscence makes the heart grow fonder then 6 years of living in Singapore have left me positively lusting the European dream. Luckily for me I leave Asia in less than 8 weeks - probably for a some time - at least until I get bored of the cold, wet and windy European weather...
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