32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, October 15, 2004

Cool photgraph

Got this from the BBC website - it is by Ansel Adams and titled "Tetons and Snake River". What is it - infrared?

BTW - thanks to tinypic.com who host my photos for free with unlimited access per day (but nothing larger than 250k)


Blogger  said...

probably a silver gelatin print or something. don't think they had infrared then. when was infrared film first invented anyway? ;-)

6:51 am

Blogger wahj said...

No it's not infra-red - it's THE ZONE.

Yup. Behold the almighty ZONE SYSTEM (insert gong crashing sound effect), which is worshipped as a religion by some people ... oddly enough, black and white landscape photogs. = )

Anyway, sarcasm aside, the man just had really good control of the whole process of photo making, from negative to print, which is why his landscapes look so damn luminous and mystic, and mine look blah.

8:36 am

Blogger NARDAC said...

yes...wahj is right...friggin' zone system. But, you have to be really really good and test all your film and processing times with your processing chemicals, get your charts, do sensitometry readings...whooo... then you gotta get real intimate with your spot meter, and read all the zones you want, figure out what your range is, develop according to range and film...etc. etc.

after that, if you look at the contrast in the print, especially the top, it's probably a lot of 5 filter, to give the rich blacks, not to mention that it was probably burned in.

Btw, not to sound like a total shit, but infra red is nice, but it's also kind of the type of thing that, unless mastered completely, rests as a creative crutch. And you should never put off doing the hard work if you like b and w.

interesting note: Adams printed using daylight, not a bulb. How cool is that!!!

on another note, have not shot a single frame of film in over a year now. on the other hand, have become handy at mastering new photoshop cs.

4:41 am


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