32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, February 25, 2005

Thank you Ladies and Gentleman.....

Ok - I have long wondered where the majority of the readers of my blog are, and now I know. I also have a breakdown by OS - and have 40% win xp, 10% win 98, 40% mac 2 linux/unix and 8% unknown. The readership (as it is) looks like the following:

Who are my American continental readers? I have nooooo idea! Welcome whoever you are. My next task is to breakdown by OS and location - I think 100% of Mac will be Asia Pac :-)

Interestingly enough 32% of readers use Safari and 28% Firefox. IE6 trails at 24%. with Netscape making up (in various versions) 15% and Mozilla 1%.

Ranked 60 in my list of referring web sites was "Byakhee Byakhee lyrics" - hhmmmm more Cthuliods out there.....

Anyway - my geekiness (and tiredness) is showing in this post too much - it is time to leave. One last fact 61% of all visitors to the DoDo were from com.sg domains, and 1% from sg educational domains, and 1% from France (Nardac - you have to increase Frances representation!)

Ok - time to sleep

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - taekwon


Blogger Tym said...

I think I'm the 1% Sg educational domain...

4:18 am

Blogger NARDAC said...

oohhh blooofy helll! It's hard enough luring anglophone readers to my french anglophone paradise... I think the people reading my blog are the mentally diseased and the related (sometimes that's a crossover group)

yanyways... come to Paris soon, you globe trotting maniac. You can treat me to a meal, and I'll treat you to a night out on the town. Bring the Kanga!

But, maybe you should wait till the cold spell breaks. Right now, there's actually snow and nobody is going out.

12:45 pm

Blogger wahj said...

You are so all-over-the-world that I can't keep track of where you are! Anyway, just to tell you that K and I will probably visit in December (rather than June), so be warned! = )

2:32 am


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