32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Space cake baby, Chocolate space cake baby

My hotel (the Marriot) is right next door to The Bulldog - a world famous English pub/cafe in Amsterdam that sells tonnes of dope. Note to the wise - if you ever decide to eat chocolate space cake - only eat half. A whole one is a bit of an Alice experience - overpowering. Following the white rabbit is no problem when you're running on this fuel.Have yet to visit the red light district - although I have seen plenty of hookers. One surprise was the sheer number of cyclists. This country could rival china for the amount of cyclists. The volumes are obscene.

Went to a few different coffee shops to reconoitre - amazing to see the stoners all crashed out and giggling. I will join them on Friday night :)

Over and out - catch up on Saturday.


Blogger Terz said...

Ah, the Bulldog. I believe I may have been a guest for three days there back in 1997.

6:06 pm

Blogger Neil said...

That place is one hell of a stoned place. The stone zone

1:20 pm


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