32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Monday, November 15, 2004

Dark days and darker nights

Ok - when I left for work at 8am this morning it was still dark. The sun made it's somewhat stage shy appearance sometime near 9am, and completely failed to impress. It is now 1717 and the sun has gone down again and it is night. I had forgotten what it is like to live in a state of semi perpetual twilight. In some ways it is fantastic - the cold wind and grey skies are just so evocative of the misery of the human condition. It reminds you of why our ancient ancestors feared winter and the dark, why the winter solstice was such a bloody affair. In other ways it is far from fantastic. For example, having my testes frozen by the north wind is not fantastic, unless fantastically unpleasant counts.

So, with this dark, dark day ending I am going to leave work and head back to my hotel where I think I will be working until the early hours of the morning on some overdue stuff. Guess I will go for a walk first as I have been couped up for too long. I need to stretch my legs.

Oh, BTW - Brazil is off, but I will be going to Portugal, Spain, Ireland and England instead. Means I lose a tonne of airmiles, but save my sanity somewhat.

I will be posting some more piccies later in the week - I need to find a theme for my photos first though. Somehow stoned pictures of me doesn't sound promising...


Blogger NARDAC said...

hey neil,

by god, you've lost a lot of weight! incredible!
as for amsterdam, welcome to europe! nice to have you aboard...though looking at your travelling itinerary, noticed france was off the list? Scared of mean people are you? Holland is worse.

I had a really great time in Amsterdam, a couple of weeks ago, but I think the fact that you're under sea level makes foggy brains a common phenomena...saying nothing about the weed of course. Just remember to buy a fake-morning-sun light with your fat paycheck...otherwise guarantee serious depression.

otherwise...did you try the new herring at neuemarkt already? It's to die for.

6:05 pm

Blogger  said...

herring?? did i hear herring?? NAB doesn't eat seafood! :-)

6:33 am

Blogger NARDAC said...

WTF!!! NAB doesn't eat seafood? He's never had sashimi or steamed fish or curried crab...or... By god, somebody revoke his foodie card!

2:20 am


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