32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Friday Morning Workout

There are, of course, other pioneers of note. Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Sir Edmund Hillary, Scott, to name but a few.

Now the world can add Burton, Neil A to that illustrious list. For I am going to go where even the intrepid have not dared to tread. A virgin path that will surely seal my standing in History, where angels fear, I shall go.

For I am going to the Gym at 8am on a Friday morning. Sweat, hunger and sleepiness shall be mine enemies, yet resolve shall be my Armour, and my PT shall be my sword.

Yea, though I shall walk in the room of free weights,
I shall fear no ill,
For the PT art with me
The Dumbell and Barbell that comfort me
You spread hib aductors before me in the eyes of fitter people
You anoint my head with sweat
My water bottle overflows

Irreverent? Probably. Irrelevant - definately. But it has been a week since I was able to go to the gym, and I am looking forward to doing some exercise. I feel that I need it after the week of beer that I have had.

If I ever open a bar - I will call it Gehenna - as this seems where I am likely to spend eternity. At least it will be if I carry on taking the mickey out of Psalms.

Talking of bars - tonight is looking to be the last night of work drinking - which is a relief, as I have had, quite literally a gutful. Of course, it is likely that I will go out on the weekend, including lunch at The Old Brown Shoe on Sunday, but my nights are mine once again.

As they say in some film....."Yippee Kai Yah Motherf**kers!"

Over and Out - Taekwon


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