32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, September 10, 2004

Oh My God!

I have just read my last post (which is of course an exercise in futility - why read what I wrote...) and have noticed my monicker - NB. To a few people, such as my Mother and Grandparents, this must be disconcerting. Why? Because my (former) step father always used to sign himself JB.

God almighty - JB and NB. The mind boggles that I never noticed that I sign myself (on occassion) almost identically to John Brown. I am switching to NAB or Burn. Not because I dislike John - I don't. He's actually alright (if somewhat short) really, more so with age. Just don't identify myself as being able to sign off in a manner that is like him.

Really - it gave me the creeps. Or, in JB speak, the heeby jeebies.




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