32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, September 24, 2004

Poor spelling

I have just re-read my post regarding the Koran and noticed that I spelt crucifixion as crucifiction. Was this an unconscious rejection of Christ? Not sure - however I will make it clear that the fiction was unintended!

On a lighter note I made a fantastic dinner last night and thought I would share the recipe. I recommend everyone to try this - I poached it from Anthony Worrall Thompson who is currently my favourite chef!

Pork Stuffed with Asparagus

Take a 500 gram pork fillet and use a meat mallet (or rolling pin) to pound it flat. Once the pork is flat (should be around 1 cm thick) immerse 12 asparagus spears in boiling salted water and cook for 2 minutes. Drain the spears and refresh in iced water. Finely chop some Coriander leaves (AKA chinese parsley or cilantro) and parsley. Place the asparagus in the pork and season with the herbs. Season with some fresh black pepper and salt. Roll the pork up and if necessary secure with toothpicks. Fry in a large frying pan in olive oil for two minutes then transfer to an oven for 30 minutes.

Whilst the pork is cooking make some rosemary and garlic sauteed potatoes (if you don't know how then google it)

Then chop 2 red onions, 2 cloves of garlic and fry for 4 minutes on a medium heat in the same oil you fried the pork in. Take 400 grams cherry tomatoes and chop them into halves. Add to the onions and sautee for 2 minutes. Add 100 grams of honey and 1 cup of red wine vinegar. Reduce. Season.

Reduce some balsamic vinegar (this should be a staple in your fridge anyway) until 50% of the liquid has evaporated. Cool it down. (this is the fancy decorative sauce that you will find drizzled on your plate in fancy $200 per head restaurants)

Drizzle the reduced balsamico over a large white plate. Place approx 10 leave of arugula (rocket) in the centre of the plate and place about 7 pieces of sauteed potato on them (slightly off centre). Slice the pork into 1cm thick slices (let it cool for 10 mins before you slice) and place 3 slices layered over each other next to the potato (heading back into teh centre). Spoon the Onion and tomoato marmalade (cause thats what it is!) over the pork - but don't put too much - 3 dessert spoons is plenty - don't hide the pork, this is not a gravy!

Serve with a chilled Chardonnay (don't cheapskate the wine - go for a $40 plus bottle - your tastebuds will thank you)



Blogger Terz said...

While on the subject of spelling as well: adieu.

5:46 am

Blogger Neil said...

Edited and corrected. Thank you.

6:06 am

Blogger NARDAC said...

Jeepers...sounds really great!!! Nice to read blog of somebody else obsessed with the stomach...

personally, I think that pork is one of those things that just marries so well with just about everything...it's like miracle meat. The thing that's fascinating about your recipe was the way it used two different sour:sweet sauces. Do you feel that the sauce mixes well after, or is it something that taste the balsamico with the arugula, then eat the pork with the marmalade???

Options: would like to try the pork with the balsamico, mixed with some fig jam, and several good shaving of salty hard cheese, like pecorino. Like a reverse prosciutto fig treatment.

11:19 am

Blogger Terz said...

Hey, just because you're in London/Amsterdam doesn't mean you can't blog. Updates, dude... especially about the 'Dam.

5:59 am


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