32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Frustrated in a non Freudian manner

Ok - having looked through my uber posting of Monday I have realised that I need to at least try to have my thoughts moving in a linear fashion - which is not easy for me. However, I will try today, and start and end with my current frustration. This is that I am unable to get my sodding work done because some peanut in the UK hasn't fixed their code. So - I am stuck doing all the work that I have put off for ages - namely the boring mundane crap that induces instant coma, and makes you wish that you had botulism just to break the tedium. Seriously - it is bad - it almost makes you want to perform the free fall gravity test.

Oh well - as is said by rugged guys in green uniforms in army films - time to be a man and do your duty - just a shame that my duty is so damned boring - give me an m16 and 12 weeks of BMT instead.....please...

Tata - Taekwon

"I don't need no beauty queen - I have got an M16"

PS: If I go postal you will know why :-()


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