32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, July 23, 2004

Drr Drr Latest Update Drr Drr

Ok - the drr drr is supposed to be like some 1930's radio newsdesk buzzer - guess it is not so onamatapaeic as I thought but...

Anyway, the update is as follows:

Weight: 72.5 kg
Body fat: 25.3%
Muscle Gain: 3 kg
Blood Bressure: 137/79

Compared to 2nd july:

Weight: 73.94kg
Body fat: 28.2%
Blood Pressure: 162/87

All in all things are going OK - the muscle gain is suspicious in  my opinion, as I have read that it is impossible to gain more than one ounce of muscle a day - for metric heads thats 1 kg per month (give or take an ounce). I would guess that some of that is water (muscles store loads of it), and also down to slightly less body fat. 

So thats where we are at in week 4 of going to the gym, and I have 4 sessions left with the PT until I run out of credit. Guess I will be signing up for another 10 sessions as I am enjoying the experience and it would be a shame to quit now. Anyway, Kanga is signing up too - so we have yet another opportunity to get competitive with each other (think fishing (who catches the biggest fish), warhammer (who wins the most games), TKD (who is the best fighter, the highest kicker), pool (who wins), drinking (who is the least biggest arse) etc). Whats more, this is *possibly* one area where I might stand a competitive advantage (ok, this and painting, as my minis are just, like, way cooler :-)) . Then again, maybe not. Kanga score pretty damn good on her wellness age assessment last weekend, and the PT did say she was very strong. Hell, at this rate I better get on the 'roids now!

Anyhoo - I will see some of the readers of this post at SODs II (The Irish Strike Back) tonight, and others later.  Who knows - maybe some of the readers I will never meet (Yeah - right. Like I have any anonymous readers!). I will continue to Bore/Thrill/Help you waste time (delete as applicable) later with more posts. I am thinking of doing a monthly "Poster Boy" piccie - see if I can track a visible difference in my snow white, skinny  body over a six month period. You know - From Zero to Hero kinda crap. Please feel free to encourage/dissuade in the comments. Are you brave enough to look at posters of me in shorts.......

Tata and Taekwon

Burn (as in Burton Neil)


Blogger Tym said...

I think we'll survive seeing pictures of you in shorts. Whether you are willing to live with those images on the web is the real deal-breaker!

5:20 pm


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