32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Monday, July 12, 2004

The Pain Gain

My last workout was Saturday morning - 20 minutes on the bike - equal to 400 calories burnt. Prior to that I did the mammoth weight programme on Friday. The one hour 20 minutes of pure pain. Funnily enough my left arm *still* is aching. Three days later. I am fairly sure that is not supposed to happen - however, as everyone knows - "No pain, no gain".

Today I am taking a break from the gym. Seeing as I have another marathon weights day tomorrow I better recover asap.

Had dinner with T, YM and Prof X on Friday - and discovered that my recent no alcohol policy has meant that I can get trolleyed really quickly. Still drank way too many pints, but I was *pished*. Completely. Amazing really, however, I will maintain my general rule of no drinking alcohol as I feel better for it.

Whilst surfing the digital sea of information I came across this Homer (Simpsons, not Iliad) quote re: Gyms:

Homer: "Gime? [trying to spell it as he said it]"

Homer: "What's a gime?"
Homer: "Oh, a GIME...."

........Quick TKD Update.........

Seeing as Simon the TKD instructor is being such a cheese encrusted swinging member Kanga and I have reduced our training to once per week, at Sin Ming. I have a feeling that once this term is over we will quit the Sin Ming TKD club and join another club. It is sad to see it end up like this - but I think it will be good to move away from the rapid promotions of Simon and slow down a bit. I personally would be happy to wait another one and a half years before getting black belt as some of my kicks are still crap (caused by my complete in flexibility).

So it will be Sayonnara Simon.....Hello

........End Update............

Oh, whilst I am thinking about it - I wonder if anyone wants to play Warhammer or Warmachine (thinking Wahj + K, T or G here). Ru and I now have four warhammer armies (five if you include the Dark Elf Chaos variant), and I am just starting to collect Warmachine (which is a skirmish base game that is more complex than Warhammer (think rolling for what part of a model is wounded and the effects thereof, rather than just removing casualties))? Anyone interested pls let me know.

BTW - When is D&D starting again.......


Blogger Terz said...

Well, it could be early as this Friday if the others can make it. I'll send out the call tomorrow.

9:36 am

Blogger wahj said...

A game of WHFB would be fun any time.

As for Warmachine ... I'm trying not to buy any more minis until redress my unpainted-painted lead ratio - right now, by weight, I have as much unpainted lead as I have painted! = )

7:21 am

Blogger Neil said...

Will SMS you to arrange some funky WHFB action!

10:25 am


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