32 years old - Made in Britain - Exported to Singapore - Re-Exported to the Netherlands - and from thence back to Britain

Friday, July 02, 2004

Gym time - day 7

Today is my third session with the personal trainer. I am currently at 73 kg (as weighed this morning) and have had to inject larger amounts of protein into my diet due to cravings everyday. The personal training is pretty tough (read vicious) as it basically involves 30 minutes cardio, and 60 minutes of weights. The aim is to build abs, chest, arms and legs. I only hope that it works as it is pretty painful. Then on "normal days" (Saturday, Monday, Wednesday) I cycle 10k, and run 5k. This is the new lunchtime activity. I have a target of August 6th to get to 71kg, and (i hope) to have lost the worst layer of fat from my stomach.

All this means hours of careful examination of my stomach in the mirror each morning in the vain (hehehe geddit?) hope of suddenly finding myself ripped.

In the meantime, I guess I should do some work...I am not paid to sit here blogging about my complete lack of abs :-0


Blogger Terz said...

Well, you know my preference...

Anyway, how much is the personal trainer? I might want to get back to my weight pre-teaching.

5:27 am

Blogger Neil said...

Ok - so the blog is going back to full posts!

PTs are quite expensive - 5 sessions is 385 + gst, 10 is 700+, and 20 is around 1300+. However, for a tough and targetted workout, with no quitting option, it is worth every penny. Plus they measure your weight, body fat etc each week and try to keep the training on target.

Currently I do two sessions a week, although I guess you could do one....

7:08 am


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